Finally, his unique building, the Palgum, provides additional Production. In addition, Hammurabi seeks to build one of each district, as his other unique ability grants him a free initial building in a new district.
Hammurabi has to contend with -50% Science each turn, but Eurekas, rather than just boosting research part way, unlock technologies fully. He also receives an Envoy when any other district is constructed for the first time.īabylon's strategy depends upon using its unique abilities to leap ahead in the science race. When each specialty district, except the Government Plaza, is constructed for the first time, he receives the lowest Production cost building of that district for free. He dislikes civilizations that focus heavily on one district type or do not build every type of district. He tries to build every possible type of district in his cities, and respects other civilizations that do the same. Hammurabi's unique agenda is Cradle of Civilization. Weigh the odds carefully, as you build your empire to unite Mesopotamia. You see the world as a complex web of alliances, possibilities, and risks. You live and lead by your code, and will make sure that your empire does too.